This show is put on yearly by the closest Appaloosa Regional Club. I am a bit annoyed with them because they put
on all of ZERO Appaloosa Club approved shows. They do 2 or 3 shows a year, none that actually help us out with Appy
Club points. They claim it's too expensive and there are not enough Appys. There are a ton of Appys around here
and if they did ONE show a year instead of THREE, they could afford to hire an Appy judge so we could be earning some points.
Anyway, this show got off to a wonderful start when we found out one horse was just back from winning World Champion
at their breed show and that about 10 competitors had driven up from southern Oregon WITH THE JUDGE. I will never understand
why you would want to go back to local shows with your proven BREED SHOW HORSE. As for the judges friends, they placed
all morning in Halter. It looked like after lunch she had heard enough grumbling from everyone that she straightened
up because after lunch the placings were a bit more evenly distributed.
It was a different arena than usual and Dazzle was spooky about it. In hand she was a mess. We did In-Hand
Trail and she refused to all one two obstacles. Undersaddle? she did every one of them. What a goof. We
placed a few times. She wouldn't take her right lead, so we couldn't really place in canter. But it was a good
experience being in a different arena.