We stuck it out till the end at this show. Rachel and Jennifer each won a Hi-Point. Allison held it through
a class with Bubba.
Ashley stayed on Thunder and kept control. Didn't get bucked off, she didn't really let him trot though; she posted
his walk. But it was her first show since getting bucked off my old gelding. It was a victory for her.
Dazzle freaked out and I only rode one class. I've never ridden her so nervous. I ended up switching her
out and riding Thunder in a couple classes. We won 2nd in a class of 6 in Western.
This show was a complete mess. They had watered the arena to the point of sloppy mud. Horses were freaking
out about it. Then they put classes in both rings at the same time and I was supposed to be in BOTH. The show
flyer said they wouldn't do that. Instead of letting me know and letting me pick one, they just scratched me from one.
They didn't refund anything. I ended up spending $50 for like 4 freaking classes. Needless to say, we WON'T be
going back next year.